Well today is my school's Pupil Free Day. All my teachers are at school marking our attempts at work and all I have to say to them is... SUCKED IN! It's not like I'm doing anything but if my mum wasn't working (she is a teacher) I would be shopping or just hanging with my friends. My friends are pretty annoyed that I wasn't allowed to do anything today but they will get over it. It's my school's Fete this weekend and I'm pretty hyped. One of my friends is coming over on the Friday night and we will be going to another one of my friends party. We will meet up at schools so we can do whatever the Fete is offering. It is going to be a BLAST! If you wanted to know how boring my current weekend is well I will tell you what I've done. I've read a 500 page book and cleaned my room which I hadn't cleaned since my birthday party which was 2 months ago. Set aside I haven't vaccumed yet. I was taking a break to write a new post. I got a lot of new games for my Nintendo DS. I'm not going to list them because I can't rememeber all of them. I also restarted a game I've had for Playstation which is Kingdom Hearts. I've got further this weekend then I had in the game when I had played for months. Oooh I just got an email, I'm going to go. Pic of the Day! :)

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