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Queensland, Australia
Hi I'm Elizabeth, if you don't already know me. I made this blog for some fun and because sometimes weekends and holidays are too long, but most importantly so you can exclusively take a sneek peek into my mind (and not in a gross anatomical way).

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The BookDepository


Friday, January 1, 2010

Alien Hunter

So I started reading this book last night called 'The Dangerous Days Of Dainel X'. It's about an Alien that hunts bad aliens. It's kind of a boy story but I kinda like it. I'm almost finished because it is so good. It is written by the famous author, James Patterson. Did you know that he has written close to 60 books and there is still more one the way? He has also had 19 consectutive New York Times Bestsellers. Amazing, eh? Well I went on his site and found out that there was a community and that in this online community people shared videos and this is one video I thought was hilarous. It goes for almost 11 mins but it was worth it.

Well I just thought you would like to see it. Another weird thing that happened today was that our bin was stolen but we realised that this pychotic kid down the street stole it and it had all last weeks rubbish in it. How annoying. I also had this dream last night that someone I had never met before told me to not wear the colour black which of course isn't going to happen because most of my clothes are black and black compliements me better than any other colour. I suppose I could possibly do it maybe for a couple days or so but not forever. It would be fashion suicide for me and I would have to wash more which is something I prefer not to do. Well see you for now. Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!