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Queensland, Australia
Hi I'm Elizabeth, if you don't already know me. I made this blog for some fun and because sometimes weekends and holidays are too long, but most importantly so you can exclusively take a sneek peek into my mind (and not in a gross anatomical way).

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Cycling Crickets

Remember those time when you hear someone but the words are just to weird to actually make sense? Well something like that happened to me today. I was in my mum's van and we were stuck in traffic so I put on some music, really loud of course. After we had been stuck in the same spot for like 2 minutes she said
Oh look at the cricket riding a bike
I gave my mum the weirdest look after I searched for this talented cricket but I couldn't find it, ANYWHERE. My mum then asks what my weird look is for and I say
You know what I thought you just said, "Look at the cricket riding a bike."
Then instinctively my mum looks out of the window and then back at me and laughs saying
Who knows
She had actually said; "It would of been quicker to ride a bike." I laughed so hard. So next time you're stuck in those terribly annoying traffic jams, make weird comments cause then you will have something to talk about :). Okay not much to say now so here is the Picture of the day and Video (because I can)!!!