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Queensland, Australia
Hi I'm Elizabeth, if you don't already know me. I made this blog for some fun and because sometimes weekends and holidays are too long, but most importantly so you can exclusively take a sneek peek into my mind (and not in a gross anatomical way).

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The BookDepository


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bury the Hatchet?

Santa visited my house on Christmas and gifted me with a portable music library which some people call an iPod. I'm absolutely loving it. Having all my music on something so small. Incredible!! Well because this wonderful peice of electronics has this feature were you can listen to your songs on shuffle which helps me discover some songs I haven't actually listened to before. So lately I've been listening to some really werid songs and one of them was called 'Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet?'. It is my favourite song at the moment and I love the lyrics, like most of Relient K's songs. Well I was listening to the song for like the hundredth time when I realised I didn't know what a hatchet was so I searched it upon on dictionary.com and it told that a hatchet was an.... wait for it.... AXE!!!!

I ALMOST FAINTED!!!!! WHAT HAD I BEEN LISTENING TO FOR THE PAST COUPLE OF DAYS??? And then I scrolled down and underneath the defintion there was a defintion of the idiom with hatchet in it it. Here is what it said;

 bury the hatchet, to become reconciled or reunited; make peace.

 That really cleared things up for me because if it was an axe then the song had a sick and twisted hidden message that I clearly didn't get. Well the menaing of the title fitted song and it made a hell of a lot more sense. Few that was a close one. I hate it when I love a song and listen to it constantly and tell everybody you like it and - worst of all - singing it out loud and finding out that the lyrics were wrong and that the song was actually sick and usually sexual. That sucks, BIG TIME. I did that once with Don't Trust Me by 3OH!3. I though the lyrics were ' Don't trust at all' then I searched up the lyrics and it was 'Don't trust a whore'. How to embarass myself!!! Before finding this out I had sung it aloud on a pincnic table with one of my friends. How embarassing. Okay enough about that I am going to go and get ready to go over to my uncle's house. I think we are going to watch 2012!! Yay!!! But I didn't want to see that movie. I thought it would be really scaring becuase this could actually happen not like ghost and physco killer movies cause you know its all fictional but not like 2012 or he Day After Tomorrow which I still haven't seen the ending to that because I'm scard of the movies. Okay this time I'm really going so see you.

Oh yeah ....... you thought I had forgotten. Here is your Daily Dose of Imagery!!

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